今日:212 总数:213509
Johnson Solar Corp在2017年成立于美国洛杉矶, 是一家专业从事温室设计建设, 建筑商、设计院、开发商、建材商和其他客户提供综合房屋系统解决方案的企业。
公司销售产品包括集装箱房、活动板房、钢结构、轻钢别墅、 彩钢复合板、集装箱房架、H型钢、T型钢、C型钢等。我公司一直致力于温室骨架及配套产品的研发、生产和销售。公司经过多年发展,建立了一支专业技术人员组成的专业的团队,自主研发了适用多种类型产品和解决方案,为国内外客户提供了优质的产品和服务。同时公司也与国际著名温室公司合作,积极为客户引进国际领先的温室技术与产品。

1. 能熟练使用各种办公软件Word, Excel, ppt 等;
2. 参加每年的公司展会,和国内工厂对接并和客户沟通
3. 性格开朗活泼, 做事稳重;愿意团队协作,敢于挑战。
4. 反应敏捷,表达能力强,具有较强的沟通能力及交际技巧
5. 要求有流利英文能力,有良好的沟通表达能力和学习能力;
6. 要求本科及以上学历,工程, 会计,数学,商学,管理学,经济学等学历优先
7. 须有合法工作身份
8. 早9晚6的办公室工作,能独立完成既定任务,能够积极完成公司交付的其他任务,公司提供上升空间
9. 公司提供上升空间,培养并提拔新人
10. 有独立自主办公能力, 做事耐心
11. 有良好的协调能力,办事灵活变通。

Established in 2017, Johnson Solar Corp (a Subsidiary of Shandong Fortune Agro-Tek Co., LTD also known simply as FT-Agro), situated in Southern California. with a business model in which it offered comprehensive greenhouse design and solutions, to contractors, architects, real estate developers, distributors, and other type of businesses.
Company is known for carrying product such as Glass-Greenhouse, PC-Greenhouse, Steel structure Greenhouse and assorted proprietary horticultural systems. After years of research and development, we have built a professional team of engineers and technicians, providing quality products and solutions that suits the needs of clients internationally. In the meanwhile, we are working with world-renowned Greenhouse companies, proactively introducing cutting-edge technologies to our clients. Our factory located in city of WeiFang, Shandong Province, China. Founded in 1992, our factory has served customers in more than 100 nations globally. FT-Agro has setup other subsidiaries in Malaysia, Oman, Nigeria and Azerbaijan.
Office assistant
Job Type: Full-time
1. Proficient in Microsoft Word, Excel, and Power Point
2. Experience in accounting, managing and recording
daily general ledgers
3. Data entry, purchase order processing
4. Proficient in Business English, bilingual in Mandarin Chinese is preferred but not required
5. Bachelor's degree, in Psychology engineering business math management econmoics is preferred but not required
6. Ability to learn products and services quickly
7. Passionate, responsible, good interpersonal communication skills
8. Ability to work in a team environment
9. Background check required

公司发展前景良好,注重培养并提拔新人, 薪资根据个人能力面议

应聘请投简历至: [email protected] 致电:(626)-861-6200
电话:(626) 861-6200


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